You are here: 12. Micronet ECOM > 12.3. Display Options in Micronet ECOM > 12.3.3. Item Details Panel > Tile Company Item Panel

Tile Company Item Panel

If your Micronet ECOM website is configured for tile companies, the item details panel displays the item image, item number and description, the number of individual tiles per box, the number of individual tiles per square metre, and the number of square metres per pallet.

Customers can enter quantities in pallets, boxes or pieces (individual tiles).

This panel can also be configured to check whether the full quantity ordered can be supplied from a single tile shade (serial number). When this feature is turned on and a user adds a tile item to an order, Micronet will check the order quantity against the available tile shades. If the quantity ordered can’t be supplied from one shade, it will change the stock status to “Check Shades”.

If the user adds the item to their cart, it will also display a message similar to this:

Finally, this panel can be configured to display available stock in multiple warehouses, as shown below. The warehouse dropdown list defaults to the user's default warehouse, or to the order warehouse if the product is already on the current order. Stock levels are refreshed based on the warehouse selected. Stock in the product list is the sum of all warehouses.

Once an order has been placed on a warehouse, the dropdown is locked for that product. To change the warehouse, the order quantity needs to be zeroed.



Technical Tip

  • The way in which the available stock quantity is displayed is configurable – see "Stock on Hand Display Options".
  • The Show Alternates button can be displayed on any item details panel configuration, as well as on the product list in both List View and Grid View. This allows users to see whether alternate items are available.
  • The white space at the bottom of the item details panel allows you to display inventory text entered on the Text tab of the Inventory master file in Micronet.
  • Micronet staff can configure the item image so it displays at the top, in the centre, or at the bottom of the panel.
  • A recommended retail price can also be displayed if configured by Micronet.
  • Micronet staff can also configure this panel to display Upcoming Shipments. If a user enters a quantity of a product and there is no stock available, or the quantity entered is greater than the quantity available, Micronet displays the date of each upcoming shipment (purchase order) until the quantity entered can be fulfilled.